Sunday, April 25, 2010

How to eat Goji berries? Recipe for Goji-Lychee sorbet

Are you fed up with eating Goji, Lychee or any other healthy superfood always with cereals? Do you know any other way how to eat Goji berries? Maybe all the hype around these is just making your ability to sense any tastes to become flat... You don't need to feel that way. You can still eat these healthy fruits and berries as part of your every day meals by adding something extra to your diet.
What is Goji berry?
Goji berry (also known as Chinese wolfberry) is mainly grown in China but they have started to grow it in other countries, like the UK, as well. Goji berry is rich source for antioxidants, amino acids, dietary minerals (for example iron and selenium), vitamins (specially vitamins B2 and C) and carotenoids (for example beta-carotene and zeaxanthine).
What is Lychee?

Lychee (or laichi or lichu) is a fruit growing mostly in Asia, Southern Africa and Mexico. It is a fragranced fruit with a sweet taste. It is extremely rich in vitamin C (over 200 % of dietary reference intake for adults per cup) and contains nearly no fat at all.
Try the following recipe for Goji-Lychee sorbet - I bet this is not a way how you have eaten Goji berries or Lychee before.
Goji-Lychee sorbet

  • 2 cups (~ 400 g) lychee pure
  • 0.4 cups (~ 1 dl) dried goji berries
  • juice of three lime fruits
  • 4 tablespoons (~ 0.5 dl) sugar
  • 2 tablespoons (~ 20 g) glucose or sugar
  • 0.3 cups (~ 0,9 dl) cold water
Measure all the ingredients to a pan and heat it up to the boiling point. Take the pan off the fire and cool it down. Mince and freeze to the sorbet in an ice-cream machine. Enjoy!
This is only one example on how to eat goji berries. To learn more: Click here to discover the most powerful 30 superfoods on the planet!

Acai berry, Spirulina, Goji berry, Maca root... Superfood or bullshit?

Health enthusiastics around the world are driven crazy by mostly exotic and expensive plants imported from South America and Far East. These are commonly known as Superfoods: Acai berries, Goji berries, Maca root and Spirulina just to name few. They are said to contain huge amounts of protein and record-high concentration of antioxidants. But are they really superfood or is all this just marketing bullshit?
T. Bjorck, Head chef of Asian gourmet restaurant Farang, says that he takes these superfoods mostly as positive thing. "I do a lot of sports and within these circumstances I have learned about goji berries and acai berries", he says: "Superfoods are mostly quite expensive but at least they make some change to my regular diet. At restaurant we have used so far only small amounts of sea weed and Balinese all natural cocos oil which gives nice smooth taste to curry and does not burn when fried." He also thinks that eventhough they do not have any superfood dish on the menu yet, they might add these on the menu in the near future.

The superfoods have many healthy effects, there is no doubt about that. But still many people say that superiority of goji berry, acai berry and others compared to not so exotic berries like blueberry, lingon berry, rasberry, is not scientifically proved. The berries grown on highlands of China might also contain more traces of pesticides than allowed by government regulations.

Click here to find out why superfoods can change your life...

Thursday, April 1, 2010

How Do Sunglasses Work?

You've been told your entire life that sunglasses are important. You know that they protect your eyes, block out the sun's ray and prolong good vision. But have you ever wondered how these miracle shades do all of that? Of course not, but you should learn. Sunglasses basically do four things for you, aside from completing a killer outfit. It is important to know what these things are and how they are done to ensure your sunglasses are doing their job.

As you probably already know, sunglasses provide protection from ultraviolet rays in sunlight. UV rays can cause serious damage to the corneas, and a good pair will shield 100% of these rays. A protective coating on the outside of sunglasses acts as a kind of filter. While it allows light through, it helps to filter out the radioactive light waves that can lead to so many dangers to your eyes.

Possibly the most prevalent purpose sunglasses serve is to provide protection from intense light. Intense sunlight can cause you to squint, a natural reaction to too much light entering the eyes. If squinting does not provide enough protection, damage to the cornea can occur next. This is especially common when outside in the snow without your sunglasses. The white of the snow reflects and magnifies the intensity of the light.

The tinting of your sunglasses will help determine the amount of light your eyes will be exposed to. As there are different types of light, all the colors of the rainbow, different shades of lenses will protect in their own ways. Gray and almost black tinted lenses will offer the greatest amount of protection from intense lights while avoiding distortion of most colors that you see.

Another quality sunglasses carry is something we are all most likely thankful for. They can provide protection from glare. Water and other shiny looking surfaces can produce a glare. These glares can block out other objects, like a car turning out of a parking lot just ahead of you. Good sunglasses can completely eliminate this kind of glare using polarization.

Light waves vibrate just like sound waves do. When a group of light waves come together but are traveling in different directions, a glare occurs. When you are blinded by a glare off of the water or another vehicle's windshield, what you are seeing is a traffic jam of light waves. Polarization filters built into sunglasses are made up of molecules that realign the light waves with each other and eliminate the glare.

As noted before, Sunglasses can eliminate specific frequencies of light. Certain light frequencies can cause blurred vision, while other frequencies enhance contrast between colors. Choosing the right color for your sunglasses lets them work better in specific situations.

Yellow, gold, amber and brown tinted sunglasses are especially good for blocking out blue light. Blue light is the color of light in the spectrum that scatters and causes blurred perception. While the yellow shades can make the rest of the world look a different color, you will see most clearly and detailed through them.

Green tinted sunglasses are better for filtering some blue light and reducing the occurrence of glares. They also offer the highest contrast and greatest visual sharpness of any other colored lens. For this reason, green sunglasses are very popular. Rose colored shades and purple tints offer the best contrast of objects against a green or blue background and make great sunglasses for hunting or water skiing.

Now that you know how sunglasses work you can be a responsible consumer. Know what to look for when choosing your sunglasses. It is not a bad idea to have more than one pair around for different reasons. This is especially true if you spend a lot of time outdoors on a variety of activities. Be responsible about your eyes and learn to protect your vision while it's still yours to protect!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Primary Benefits of Sunglasses

There are many reasons to wear sunglasses, and everyone has one of their own. Whether it is to mask a hangover, create mystery or escape the paparazzi, sunglasses are a part of everyday life. However, often the true benefits of this popular accessory are lost when fashion or other purposes take over. It may not be your only reason, but your best reason for sunglasses should be to protect your eyes.

Science has come a long way in correcting vision gone bad. Corneal transplants help a blind person see again. Laser treatment can restore your eyesight to 20/20 or better in mere minutes. Even with all this technology, wouldn't it be easier to take care of your eyes from the start? By simply wearing good sunglasses, you will reduce your need for these scientific breakthroughs later in life.

The sun creates ultraviolet light rays which contribute to the heat it produces. These rays, called UVA and UVB can cause irreparable damage to your retina and corneas. If you've ever watched an eclipse, you know you had to do so through a pinhole in a shoebox. This is because staring directly to the sun can cause great damage to your eyes. Unfortunately, many people are unknowingly allowing their eyes to suffer the same fate by simply choosing not to wear sunglasses.

Such disorders as cataracts, macular degeneration, and even skin cancer around the eyes can be signs of sun damage and can be prevented in part by the use of sunglasses. Cataracts are an eye condition that involves clouding of the lens behind the Iris and Pupil. Although no one truly knows what causes cataracts, studies have shown links between this condition and increased exposure to ultraviolet light. Though we do not know 100% that this is the cause, it has been determined that people who habitually wear sunglasses have seen a decreased incidence of this eye disorder.

Macular degeneration causes those who suffer from it to have difficulty seeing in detail. Often even faces are hard for these people to distinguish. This disease, like cataracts, is most prevalent in elderly patients. However, also like cataracts, prolonged exposure to sunlight without the protection of sunglasses has been included as a probable cause. Individuals who practice care in selecting sunglasses with 99%-100% UV protection stand a greater chance at avoiding this fate.

Think about the last time that you spent all day in the sun and were really badly sunburned. You probably took cold baths and slathered yourself in Aloe Vera. It is a painful condition to be in when this happens to your skin. Now, imagine what that same sunlight that gave you second degree burns on your skin is doing to your eyes when you choose not to protect them with proper sunglasses. That alone should be motivation to hit the sunglass kiosk at the mall.

You don't often think of sunglasses as something that will protect your skin. In reality, a good pair of sunglasses can save your face in more ways than one. Increased exposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer and will attach the most sensitive areas first. How much more sensitive can you get then the skin around your eyes. Sunglasses can reduce the risk of skin cancer in the eyelids and areas around your eyes.

Another benefit your skin will enjoy from a good pair of sunglasses is a decreased appearance of lines around the eyes. Simply logic tells us that distorting the face in certain ways on a regular basis can cause premature wrinkles and increase the signs of aging. When you do not wear sunglasses, you tend to squint, as your eyes are uncomfortable being opened under bright light. Sunglasses can actually help reduce the appearance of crow's feet by allowing your facial muscles to remain relaxed.

Your eyes are one of your most valued features. Can you imagine waking up tomorrow and not being able to see? Many people are born blind and would give anything for the eyes you take for granted every day. A good pair of sunglasses will protect you against a world of eye disorders and pain. If you don't protect this valuable possession, before you know it, it could be gone.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Attract Employees: Group Health Insurance

Many small business owners know that in order for them to be successful they must offer an incentive to recruit employees to work for them. This can be any number of things, but most often it is the benefit of offering group health insurance. While this could be an excellent strategy for your small business to take in order to recruit new employees, there are a few things that you must know first before you dive into selecting a plan. Research group insurance policies thoroughly before choosing one for your company.

A group health insurance plan can be obtained by any small business that has as little as two employees to as many as fifty. There are two ways you can go about supplying the health insurance to your employees; this will mainly be decided by your own budget. Many small businesses that offer group health insurance help contribute towards the cost of the plan. On the other hand if an employee wants to have coverage for their families, the employer might offer to pay the employees’ premiums and have them pay the premium for their families.

Another aspect of the group health insurance plan will be deciding between managed care or fee-for-service. Managed care plans include Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), or Point of Service plan (POS).

An HMO will significantly reduce the cost that your members will have to pay for medical care as long as they use the providers specified by the HMO. A PPO will not require a referral in order for them to see a specialist. While the PPO is more flexible it will bring higher costs to the per-visit and annual deductibles. The POS plans are basically a combination of the features that you will find in an HMO and PPO. Members get to decide whether to pay a flat fee for offices in the network, or pay a deductible charge to see someone out of network. The fee-for-service plan gives the employee the power to select health care providers themselves. This means that they will have way more flexibility with where they can go for medical assistance.

Adding an appealing Group Health insurance plan to your business could potentially bring you more employees. This is just the basic information about Group Health insurance; there are many options to consider when choosing a plan. Be sure to investigate all options to create the best plan for your employees.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do You Need A College Health Insurance Plan?

When you are finally done with your high school education, there is no doubt that you’ll be enrolling into a college. Many times when a child reaches the age of 20, they are no longer covered by their parents’ insurance and this can lead to a troubling situation if they are not working and just strictly going to college. However, many colleges offer health insurance plans. Whether one of these insurance plans are right for you or not takes a lot of deliberation.

College health insurance benefits are going to vary from campus to campus. Although many people think that they are free, this is not true. While there is usually no charge for an office visit and routine checkups, the student will have to pay for lab work and other specialist type of visits. Benefits will usually pay completely for only types of covered services at the campus health center. In the event that you have to see an outside doctor then the student’s coverage can drop up to 70% and run the risk of being required to pay a high deductible.

If you have a pre-existing condition, then you may have a problem with getting treatment at the college health center. Having a pre-existing illness or disability does not mean that you will be disqualified for obtaining a college health insurance plan, but you may not be able to get treatment for that pre-existing illness. This can lead to a number of problems if a new problem arises and is a product of a pre-existing illness.

All plans are different, so be sure you find out everything you can about your college’s plan. Be sure to check if you or your child will be covered during summer break when students are not taking classes. This is important because you don’t want to have an accident and find out that the insurance becomes inactive when they are not in class. Many colleges have coverage during summer break, but some do not.

Make sure you understand the plan. Is it an HMO, or can the member use any provider they want? This is just as important because you want to know where you can go in the event of an emergency, and there is nothing worse than finding out after the fact that you will be stuck with paying the full amount for a medical bill.

There really is no definitive answer as to whether you should or shouldn’t commit to getting college health insurance. Be sure that you understand your plan fully so that no problems can arise in the event of an emergency. While it is not free insurance, it surely will save you money in the event of an accident or illness.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Making the Grade with Healthy Eating

College is one of the most difficult times of life to practice healthy eating. Because of your busy schedule, the amounts of stress, and pressure from friends to party, you may find that healthy eating is impossible. However, with a few tips you can make the impossible seem much more manageable. Healthy eating is possible in college as long as you are willing to work at it.

Make smart decisions when you are eating at your college’s cafeteria. Most students are provided with a variety of option every day, and although the dessert bar may be very tempting, try to limit the number of times you visit it every week. If your school has a buffet style cafeteria with many choices, try to choose one food from each of the food groups. Avoid anything that is processed, covered in cheese or dressing, and greasy.

Scheduling times to eat is also important. When you register for classes, look at the day with meals in mind. You should have enough time in the morning to get ready for the day and grab a quick meal, either in your dorm room or at the cafeteria. Around the middle of the day, make sure that you save time for lunch, and have a timeslot for dinner before 7 PM to avoid eating late at night. You should also plan times to stop for nutritious snacks, like fruit. If your professor does not mind, you can also take these snack foods with you to class. This is a good question to ask during the first day of classes.

The weekends can be very challenging for college students because of the pressure to go to parties, where the main food is usually pizza and the main beverage is usually beer. Order pizza and other foods can take an otherwise healthy diet and throw it down the tubes. If you plan to go out for the night and won’t be sure if there will be healthy food choices available, grab a light meal before you leave and avoid greasy calories. Having pizza and other such “college” foods, like wings or tacos, can be fine once in awhile, but if it becomes a weekly event, you’re looking at trouble

Of course, alcohol is also a great way to ruin a diet. Beer and mixed drinks have a lot of empty calories, and so skipping them altogether is a great idea. If you must drink, choose diet sodas for mixing your drinks, ask for red wine if it is available, or drink light beer. Again, these treat are fine once in awhile, because drinking alcohol every week will only make you pack on the pounds.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

College Students' Diet

When you go away to college, you are thrown into an unfamiliar environment. Sleeping in a bed that is not your own and dealing with a new roommate you don’t know may be difficult enough, but you can’t forget about learning how to eat healthy foods while at college. Healthy eating is important so that you keep the weight off and keep your immune system healthy.

It is first important to settle into an eating routine. At home, you would probably never eat after a certain time at night—don’t at college either. If you’re used to eating breakfast, wake up before classes in enough time to do so. At the very least, be sure that you have time between classes for a balanced lunch and dinner. Don’t skip meals.

If your schedule is hectic, as most people find, you’ll need to schedule time to eat. Instead of grabbing food from a vending machine when you are hungry, plan ahead. Take a healthy salad or sandwich with you to eat if you have class over mealtime. Most professors don’t mind if you bring food to class as long as your eat it quietly.

When you do have time to eat in the cafeteria, it is important to make healthy decisions. Most colleges offer pizza and a variety of desserts every day, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat them! Look for choices that have a balance of the food groups in every meal. A good indication that you have a nutritious meal is color. If your trey is colorful, with fruits, vegetables, and proteins, you are on the right track.

Of course, not every college has a cafeteria, and even if yours does you might choose to eat elsewhere. It’s very tempting to order Chinese food or other delivery, especially when participating in study groups. Try to find the best options here and allow yourself to splurge only on special occasions. For example, if someone is ordering pizza, see if the pizzeria also offers salads. This may be a healthy option. Try to stay away from fried or greasy foods.

College is one of the best times of your life. Don’t let poor eating choices ruin the experience. You might also want to note as a closing thought that alcohol has more empty calories than most of the foods you can eat at the cafeteria combined. Staying away from it can not only keep you safe, but also healthy. Add an exercise routine at a local gym, and you’ll never see that freshman fifteen!